The voice of parents and families has always been central to the history and work of Fin WA. Since 2018 we have been developing a peer program that trains families to walk alongside others and support them on their journey. Fin WA peer workers are called Family Partners.
The voice and input of people with lived experience is very powerful as it provides hope and dignity to families who are currently navigating the system. Research is clear that the involvement of parent peers is linked to higher rates of parental participation and engagement, and to parent and family satisfaction with services, as well as to higher rates of reunification.
Family Partners can provide a bridge between parents and the system, building courage and confidence for parents. They can also work to inform and influence systemic change of the child protection process by participating in consultations, training and research.
There is a process of training and assessment before being linked with families, and there is ongoing support and supervision for all volunteers with Fin WA. A National Police Clearance is a requirement for any volunteer with Fin WA. Please note: Criminal records do not exclude you from becoming a volunteer, however, this depends on the nature of the offences committed, and the time since they occurred. Copies of your Police Clearance/criminal record will be kept according to our confidentiality and privacy policies in your file.
Family Partner roles may include providing emotional support for families preparing for court and other meetings, providing support to families at the drop-in art space, participating in consultations about new services, or documentation.
For more information about the Family Partner work and training at Fin WA, please contact Jacquie: OR Phone 9328 6434 or 0411 032 308