
Since funded services began in October 2008, Fin WA has undergone significant growth and change whilst providing services to parents and families with children in out of home care. Central to our work is the ‘voice’ of parents and family members, and the broader community that we seek to serve. It is essential that we build on the membership of Fin WA to develop strong and sustainable links to our members, to be informed by them, and to work together to achieve the objectives of promoting the inclusion of parents and family in the child protection processes, and to influence a child protection system to be just, fair and inclusive.

The selection criteria for joining Fin WA Inc. is for you to be committed to its vision, mission and values; and support the ‘objects of the association’. The ‘objects’ of Fin WA can be found in rule 3 (1) and (2) under the Rules of Association [also referred to as the Constitution] located on this website.

Parents, family members, service providers and professionals from all sectors of the community including child protection workers and other departmental staff are encouraged to become members who support the aims of Fin WA Inc.

If you are a current member of Fin WA and you wish to renew your membership, please complete the attached Membership Form.

  • If you are not a member and would like to become a member please complete the attached Membership Form for processing. It is a requirement that you be nominated by an existing member of Fin WA. Please contact the office if you do not currently know any members;
  • Please submit your membership fee alongside your application – payment can be by cash or EFT (see application form for details);
  • If you are a parent or family member of a child in out of home care there is the option to apply for the fee to be waived (it’s as simple as ticking the box on the form);
  • On acceptance of your application you will receive a receipt of payment and information relating to the association;
  • Fees are to be set at the AGM by the membership; if you join in the first 6 months of the year full payment is required and it will be halved if you join in the second part of the year;
  • All membership renewals will align with the financial year; therefore a renewal advice will be sent each year prior to the 1st July.

As a member of Fin WA you will:

  • Receive regular updates on Fin WA’s services and activities via a newsletter i.e. “Finformation”
  • Where suitable ask for your input into submissions for policy consultation
  • Keep you informed of new policies and development in the area of child protection and out of home care
  • Invite you to general meetings, the AGM and other functions throughout the year

For any inquiries about membership please contact the office.

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