When you have developed a good relationship with a parent and the Department has approved the visits to your home then a parent may be able to visit you. It is important that you are open and willing for the visits to occur and for times to have been arranged in advance.
Fin WA always supports positive relationships between parents and carers and wherever possible for this to be encouraged. The better the relationship between the two parties the better outcomes there will be for children as they see the adults in their lives working cooperatively.
A major concern for many parents is the limited amount of contact they have with their children. If carers are open to having parents visit the children at their home this would provide many more opportunities for parents to enhance their relationship with their child.
Yes, foster carers are encouraged to become members of Fin WA. Many parents report that they have positive relations with foster carers. Foster carers can have a profound and positive influence on parents and children in their care when a healthy relationship between parents is established.
When a positive relationship exists between you and the parent, this type of arrangement can work well and benefit the family and the children. However, access arrangements must be approved with the Department.
Fin WA supports positive contact between parents and foster carers and their positive inclusion in the lives of their children whilst in foster care. Foster carers can be excellent role models for parents, and any contact visits must first be approved by the Department.
In some situations, children may require long term or permanent care. However, in most circumstances where there is no risk or danger to a child by residing with their family, Fin WA would support the reunification of the child. The best interests of the child must remain paramount and foster carers can sometimes find this difficult. We suggest you get support to help you through this. You can talk with the child’s case manager, the Foster Care Association or there are other counsellors that you can talk with about your feelings of attachment to the child and how to manage them.
Fin WA does not provide direct services to children.