We invite any concerned service providers and professionals to call for advice as the need arises. Fin WA seeks to support other service providers from government and non-government organisations who work with parents involved in child protection. Through our working closely with parents we have gained excellent insights and strategies into how to engage with parents in a respectful and inclusive manner.
Statutory workers have found the assistance we have given them has been effective and helpful in their understanding of the experience of parents and in strategies of how to engage and work with parents.
Fin WA accepts that all parties involved in the child protection process have the ‘best interests’ of children as their focus. Fin WA understands that there are varying perspectives and interpretations to the meaning of ‘best interests of the child’.
Fin WA believes that every child has the right to being safe from abuse and neglect and that a child’s safety and wellbeing are paramount. Fin WA believes that wherever possible this is best provided by the family and that some families will need support and encouragement to do so. Fin WA also believes that if children need to be placed in out of home care, they have the right to a meaningful relationship with their family whereby they have a strong sense of identity and culture.
Principally Fin WA does not separate the best interest of the child from also being in the best interest of the family.
Fin WA has produced the document Finding Your Way with the Department. This document contains comprehensive information for parents, families and service providers. It can be found on the front page of our website under Resources.
The first page is a Tip Sheet for easy distribution to parents. You are encouraged to print out the document for whoever would find it useful. The document will be updated as required with changes in legislation, policy development and other information.
Fin WA is currently working on producing materials that will be helpful for parents and other service providers. This website includes what resources are currently available.
Fin WA does not provide ongoing therapeutic counselling as part of its service to parents or family members.
It is understood that parents involved with the child protection system may need to talk issues through with a qualified counsellor or therapist at some stage. In these circumstances, in consultation with parents we will make an appropriate referral.
When parents are working with Fin WA we encourage them to call their advocate/support worker to talk things through at any time. If their worker isn’t available anyone else in the team will listen to and speak with a parent. A parent does not have to be a client of Fin WA for us to provide a listening ear at any time.
When parents are going through particularly difficult times they are encouraged to call us and we will listen and talk with them. We do engage in brief crisis counselling as required.
Fin WA runs Information and Support groups for parents and family members. We have a Drop In Session each Friday between 10.30 and 12.00pm.
Fin WA understands that child protection work is extremely complex and challenging and that there are also competing demands on child protection workers. Fin WA seeks to work co-operatively with child protection workers and other professionals within government departments, but not to the detriment of the needs of the parent and child/ren.
Fin WA’s experience has been that many child protection workers have appreciated our work with families as we have assisted in establishing more effective and productive relationships between parents and workers.
The experience of trauma upon children and parents when children are removed from the family home is well documented. The impact is deep and often long lasting on both children and parents especially if comprehensive supports are not put in place. Parents need to be supported to overcome the difficulties that may have led to the children going into care. Experience and research tells us that when parents are treated with respect and dignity, are included in the processes of assessment, decision making and planning and they feel their workers have genuine regard and concern for them, they are more inclined to feel hopeful of overcoming their personal issues and hopefully be reunited with their children.
The benefit to children to see their parents manage their difficulties and to resume some level of care of them (even if not full time care) is enormously beneficial as it provides the children with a role model of someone who has overcome many challenges and they are able to maintain and develop their relationship with them. This will ultimately build on the child’s wellbeing to have a positive relationship with their parent.
Statutory involvement is complex, overwhelming and frightening for parents and families. Due to the statutory role of child protection workers the relationship between parents and workers is often fraught with fear, anger, mistrust and resistance. This tension that exists can become destructive to working toward the best outcomes for children and it is Fin WA’s role to help parents and workers engage in respectful working relationships.
Fin WA staff, students and volunteers are required to read and agree to a code of conduct, privacy requirements and other policies and procedures. These documents state that at all times those associated with Fin WA are to work in a courteous, respectful and professional manner. If you believe a Fin WA worker is not complying with these requirements, please email Fin WA by using the contact button on this website or write and post an ‘in-confidence’ letter to the Chairperson. Postal details are available in the contact section of this website.
Fin WA is committed to seeking inclusive and respectful processes in the child protection system of which foster carers are an important and essential part. Fin WA does not have any direct involvement with foster carers and at all times we advocate for respectful and positive relationships between different parties.
When parents know the foster carers are willing to establish a positive relationship with them we know this often helps to alleviate stress and anxiety on the parents which in turn allows parents to focus more on improving their life circumstances and work toward either being reunified with their children or having an ongoing meaningful relationship with their children.
Fin WA will advocate for finding ways of assisting parents and carers to have a positive relationship as we know that children benefit from seeing their parents and carers getting on and working together to provide a stable and happy environment for them.
There are many excellent foster carers in the community and most often parents are very grateful for the support and care they provide their children. It is understood that sometimes conflict may occur between parents and foster carers. Often this is due to misunderstandings and preconceived misgivings about the other party. At these times Fin WA staff will do all they can to ensure respectful, appropriate and professional relationships are developed.